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Queen of Swords

A powerful, stern Queen of Swords graces one’s reading representing stern tactical leadership, operating with logic, being independent and being firm with one’s decisions. If the Queen of Swords is referring to […]

Page of Swords

An alerted on guard Page of Swords is the messenger, ready to relate news, ideas and information. The Page of Swords speaks about taking action, being on guard and issues brewing. If […]

Knight of Swords

At full speed ahead, the Knight of Swords enters a reading referring to trips, movement or travel related fast action, aggressive action, quick changes, conflicts and acting impulsively. If the Knight of […]

King of Swords

Strong, mighty, and powerful, the King of Swords in a Tarot reading represents the ability to have tactical leadership, be brave and to have order. It also indicates being stern and leading […]

Ten of Swords

The Ten of Swords paints a scene of emotional pain or a time where one has felt betrayed, backstabbed and emotionally hurt. The person in this Tarot card, though, is floating upwards […]

Nine of Swords

Sometimes things get stressful. The Nine of Swords expresses the feeling of anxiety, fear, stress and troubled rest. This person in the Nine of Swords cannot rest because of their current thoughts. […]

Eight of Swords

The sense of being bonded, feeling stuck, immobile and trapped is instantly felt when viewing the Eight of Swords. This may not be on a physical, but rather emotional level. There are […]

Seven of Swords

Tiptoeing away, being sneaky and stealing swords, the Seven of Swords shows a scene of dishonesty, thievery and lies. In general, this card, represents someone who does not have good intentions, and […]