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Queen of Wands - Learn Tarot & Divination Easily


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Queen of Wands

Fiery and filled with ambition, the Queen of Wands in the tarot represents following one’s passions, the ability to work hard, leadership and operating with confidence. A person referred to the Queen of Wands can be a female who has leadership qualities with a fiery persona and is down to earth. A person referred to the Queen of Wands is usually well-liked by others, creative, inspiring, driven by her passions, and at times can have a feisty attitude. She can also be business minded and social. The Queen of Wands also correspondences with individuals who have fire Zodiac signs, which are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

Upright Keywords: Down to Earth, Driven, Courageous, Charismatic, Friendly, Social

Reversal Keywords: Petty, Hot Tempered, Unfriendly

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